S.P.A.R. - A Vision
One of the things I find troubling is the isolation and separation of paranormal researchers from one another here in Mississippi. Whether it is due to perceived competition, distance, or simply a lack of available means to meet one another, I don't know. The end result however, is missed opportunities to socialize with like-minded people; discuss and learn paranormal and parapsychological techniques, principles and methods (swap ideas and cross-pollinate); form networks of friends and resources that can be drawn upon in difficult cases; and simply have fun. I believe in team-work and synergy, and that one plus one is often three. Therefore, I'm dreaming of a state-wide organization of paranormal researchers and parapsychologists. I think that would be really useful, and would also "raise our game" collectively. Sure the opinions and ideas would vary greatly, and there might be some heated debates, but if done in a spirit of learning and cooperation, that would and could only make us better - don't you think? We could call it S.P.A.R. - the Society of Paranormal Anomaly Researchers (Mississippi Chapter). We could set criteria for Teams' entrance into SPAR, and set some kind of minimum standards scientifically and professionally. An "Official S.P.A.R. Member Team" designation would become an important distinction and way to recognize each other as legitimate paranormal investigative organizations and help establish respect and cooperation with one another. I even "envision" a yearly convention in which we all spend a Friday evening, Saturday and Saturday evening in meetings, training workshops (including field trips) on a variety of topics such as EVP and EMF Training, use of Psychics on investigations, demonology, etc. The evenings would be utilized for plenary sessions and a nice dinner or two. We could move the annual meeting around the State from year to year, and depending upon location, we could all learn about a case study and site in that particular area and even take a field trip to that location with a guide or host explaining the case. Vendors could come in and set up equipment and gear booths and show off the latest and greatest technology. Dues and sponsors could be utilized to bring in a block-buster speaker or two - say a Ryan Buell, Keith or Carl Johnson, Richard Southall, Lloyd Auerbach, Jason Hawes, Troy Taylor or even Lorraine Warren or Chip Coffey for the Friday evening main event and supper. I personally would love to have Tom & Lisa Butler, authors of There Is No Death and There Are No Dead, come and speak! Fellow SPAR members could present evidence from major cases they have had and show audio and video of them from their case files. Wouldn't that be awesome? Talk about lighting some fires under some folks, that would sure give people around here some motivation! Oh well, it never hurts to dream does it?...er, or am I being clairvoyant?...
Natchez Ghosts: The Devil's Punchbowl is the official blog of N.A.P.S. - the Natchez Area Paranormal Society
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