Saturday, November 5, 2011

Three New Investigators Join the Team!

by NAPS Team Leader Mike Chapman

Congratulations to Michelle McAllister, Betty Blanton and Jamie Walker who recently completed the application process and joined the Natchez Area Paranormal Society as Paranormal Investigators-In-Training. These ladies bring a talented array of skills, energy and ability to the Team, and we are extremely excited about them joining us. Welcome to the Team!

With the addition of these three investigators, we now have 13 paranormal investigators as part of our team. As Team Leader, I am very pleased that God has answered our prayers and has led us to the people that are part of our organization. The people we have in place now are dedicated and motivated, and are mature professionals who show up and do the work necessary. As I stated in our Team Meeting Friday night, I am extremely proud of the members and investigators we now have on our Team. The quality people that you all are, are indeed just the kind of people I want to be associated with! The people we have on the team are proving how amazingly dedicated they are to helping people, and show by their actions that they have a lot of love to give others who need our assistance.

For a list of Team Members, click here.

All of you have many other things to do, but share so unselfishly of your time, money, and gifts to make this an excellent team and set a standard for other teams to emulate. I am also very proud of your investigative talents, your hard work, your community service, the conclusions you reach, and the follow-up work you do with our clients.

Keep up the amazing work!

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